Luke Quinn (He/Him)

Lead Game Designer

Current Project - Zakumba: Episode Astraia

Luke, aka DuckSkywalker, brings a fresh perspective and a deep passion for video games, writing, and the arts. Hailing from the vibrant city of Manchester, England, Luke honed his craft at the esteemed University of Falmouth, where he earned his Masters's degree in Indie Game Development.

Luke has been a game developer for two years now. His undergraduate degree was in English Literature with Creative Writing until he finally decided to leap into game development. The transition from literature to game development was a big jump for Luke, but he was confident it was the right decision.

As our Lead Game Designer, Luke will be instrumental in crafting immersive gameplay experiences, designing captivating levels and environments, writing compelling dialogue and quests, and ensuring a perfectly balanced and engaging game progression. We're thrilled to have Luke on board and can't wait to see what amazing creations he'll bring to life at Afroduck Studios. 

Fun Fact(s):

  • A few of his favorite games include, favorite games include Little Big Planet 2, What Remains of Edith Finch, Apex Legends, Elder Scrolls Online, and Enter the Dungeon.

  • Currently working on another narrative game project that involves Time Travel.

  • Born on May 4th, Star Wars Day.

  • He enjoys listening to Metal and Punk Music.

  • His Favorite Movies include La La Land, Her, and Dead Poets Society.

  • Has worked on several small indie projects that can be played now, including EssenceBound, Construct, Sentinel Onslaught , Stumpy: The Tree Spirit